Saturday 23 February 2013

Anticipated Book Reads of 2013

Glancing at your to be read pile and thinking it looks at bit low currently? Well here are some upcoming books that could spice it up incredibly in the near future:

1) According to Goodreads 'City of Heavenly Fire - Cassandra Clare' was voted the current most popular upcoming book and as the sixth book in the immensely popular series it will be eagerly anticipated. Unfortunately though, the relase date is set to be around March 2014.

2) The book voted into second place was 'Clockwork Princess - Cassandra Clare' this is the third book in the Infernal Devices series. This book is hopefully set to release around mid-March 2013.

3)  Third on Goodreads list was 'The Soul - Stephenie Meyer' which is book number two in The Host series, unsure when it is out. However, The Host movie is set to release soon in the cinema.

Here are my most anticipated book reads of 2013:

1) Goddess by Josephine Angelini
This is the third book in the already mindblowing series and I cannot wait to read it. Based on greek mythology this series is original and brilliant.

2) Untitled by Ally Carter
The sixth book in the Gallaghr Girls series is currently unnamed but is set to be as great as the previous books. I love all of the books in the series so far, and for me Ally Carter is now one of my favourite authors; I wish I was a Gallagher Girl (or a spy) based on this series alone.

3) Awaken by Meg Cabot
Another book based around Greek Mythology but based on Hades and his love Persephone. This is the third book in the series and I can't wait to read it.

4) Dare You To by Katie McGarry
This author won my heart with her book Pushing the Limits, where I fell in love with all the characters and the intriguing plot of the story. I'm hoping Dare You To will be just as great.

5)  The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen
Another book by Sarah Dessen that will hopefully be filled with the usual friendships, family and love that she provides in a great summer book read.

6) My Name is Rapunzel by K.C.Hilton
Based around the traditional fairytale, it seems to be a curious read. I've never read one of her books before and am looking forward to reading this one.

What are your most anticipated book reads of 2013?